UTO Offering

Our annual in-gathering collection for the United Thank Offering totaled $992. Thank you for your generous support of this outreach by the Episcopal Church Women. Special thanks to Jo Parker who coordinates this collection for us every year.

The United Thank Offering is a personal and family devotional program of The Episcopal Church. It has centered around the UTO Blue Box, an offering box that Episcopalians keep within their home and as they recall God’s blessings in their lives, they make a monetary donation to the box. The practice is meant to deepen our life in Christ by daily prayers and gifts of thanksgiving. These gifts of thanksgiving – coins and bills dropped in the UTO Blue Box – from each man, woman, and child are combined with others at parish and diocesan celebrations and finally within all of The Episcopal Church.

This year, the UTO Board received 68 grant applications and was able to fund 34 grants, totaling $1,257,778 for the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. These grants continue to support and strengthen the mission and ministry of the Church throughout the world. Every penny of the Offerings is allocated each year for grants.