A Weekend of Celebrations at Christ Church Ithan

The Wedding of Mia and Tim

On Saturday afternoon, beneath the sun’s warm embrace, Maria Tornetta and Timothy Fitzpatrick will stand hand in hand and exchange their wedding vows surrounded by family and friends.

Good Shepherd Sunday

On Sunday, we will gather in the comforting embrace of Easter’s Fourth Sunday, known as Good Shepherd Sunday. Through the readings from Psalm 23, John 10, and the Eucharist, we will be reminded of God’s unwavering love and tender care that strengthens our faith and unity.

Celebrating Dr. Jeffrey Fowler

Following the Eucharist, we will gather in the Parish Hall to honor and celebrate the birthday of our Organist and Choirmaster, Dr. Jeffrey Fowler. Born on April 21st, he will embark on a new journey around the sun this Sunday. We will share cake and refreshments and extend our warmest wishes to him on this special day.

Christ Church Ithan is a community bound together by faith, generosity, and love.

Fr Karl